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Tewantin Noosa Pony Club is affiliated with Pony Club Queensland and offers a fun environment for people of all ages to enjoy their horses.


About Our Pony Club

Tewantin Noosa Pony Club was started in 1981 when the club was given the 7 acres which we call home. Over the years Tewantin Noosa members have worked hard to turn it from a bush block into the wonderful facility it is today.
Club members enjoy two musters eac
h month having fun with their horses, learning new skills, and making new friends. We are also enjoy a high percentage of senior riders - age or level of ability is no barrier! 

Some members enjoy training for competitions; Tewantin Noosa riders have competed at Club, Zone and State levels.
As a member, it is a requirement that you either own or lease a horse.

We look forward to welcoming you to our club.

Click here to find out about our Memberships 

Fundraising and Volunteer Levy

A Volunteer Levy of $135 per family is required to be a part of our club.  This will be refunded or rolled over at the end of each year if a family can contribute 10 Volunteer hours for that year.  These hours do not include helping set up or pack up at MUSTERS.


Fundraising is very important to keep the club running. We enjoy fantastic grounds and equipment but they must be maintained as we want our members to enjoy the very best of everything, including quality instructors and equipment.


So, we need all the help we can get! Volunteer duties include helping out at events, fundraising such as selling raffle tickets and working in the canteen at events.


The club needs the help of all members with our three major events of the year - Dressage, Combined Training and Gymkhana.  Set up for these events and running them on the day is a lot easier if everyone chips in to help.


We like to have a Working Bee each year so please pitch in to give the clubhouse, gaol, sheds and yards a cleanout. Yes - we house and use one of the oldest original gaol houses on the coast!

Come & Try

If you would like to come along and try pony club at a muster please visit our Come & Try page.

The cost for the day is $15 which covers your insurance. All children under 18 must be accompanied the whole time by a guardian.


Pony club has certain rules surrounding gear for horses and riders, please make yourself familiar with these HERE as well as HELMET STANDARDS before coming along. 

Please note: horses can ONLY be ridden bitless after submitting a bitless bridle form to our Secretary and having it approved. Note that only certain types of bitless bridles are acceptable. BITLESS BRIDLE FORM

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